Maintaing your is very important to the life of your vehicle. Since our Vehicle is an extension to us here in Houston we must care for our car as if it is ourself. Below Our a few of our services that we recommend you check regularly.
Your Car takes a beaten every day while it is placed on the highway or stuck in traffic.While all parts of your vehicle are important , the brakes and suspension are what keeps you rolling . Keeping those components tuned you have a higher chance of keep everyone around safe.
Maintenance tasks commonly carried out during a motor vehicle service include:
Change the engine oil.
Replace the oil filter.
Replace the air filter.
Replace the fuel filter.
Replace the cabin filter.
Replace the spark plugs.
Check level and refill brake fluid/clutch fluid.
Do you notice your vehicle with more than normal vibrations, tire shaking????
Symptoms of bad shocks or struts include:
Badly cupped tires and/or noticeable tire shaking, wheel shimmy or vibration after hitting a bump.
Suspension bottoming on rough roads or when backing out of a driveway.
A bouncy ride.
Body sway or rocking when cornering or driving in strong crosswinds.
bring your vehicle into Fix My Car so we can check it out....